Sitemap - 2020 - AI Weirdness

The Epic History of the Earth

Bonus: That Time the Earth Was Epic

Alternate Rudolphs

Bonus: Carols of Rudolph

2020 Headlines

Bonus: Breaking News on Tumbleweeds

A big neural net reviews a smaller neural net's recipes

Bonus: GPT-3 makes char-rnn recipes

Post-human flirting

Bonus: AIs more powerful than we could have imagined

What to do with your time

Bonus: Davinci + giraffes

Splorts Teams

Bonus: Blaseball made this happen

High-visibility costumes for distanced viewing

Bonus: Dinosaur themed halloween costumes

What color are you?

Bonus: Which of THESE colors are you?

This blog is not a blog of honor

This Bonus Post is not a Bonus Post of honor

A 10,000 year warning

Bonus: Danger Will Robinson

AI supervillains

Bonus: More AI Supervillains

AI-generated drawing prompts

Bonus: Botober stories

Planet Earth From Above

Bonus: The Melbourne Monolith

AI AI Weirdness

Bonus: The cooking blogs of Star Wars villains

My Name is Bot

Bonus: Digital Bredlik is the name of my new band

Which AI-generated personality quiz are you?

Bonus: Which metal diplodocus are you?

Choose Your Quarantine House

Bonus: 16 quarantine houses of cocktails

Facts about whales

Bonus: More true facts about the whale

When data is messy

Bonus: A gallery of BigGAN categories

Depixellation? Or hallucination?

Bonus: What even are madlibs?

All your questions answered

Bonus: Neural net jokes are still terrible

This is the OpenAI API. It makes spookily good twitter bots 13/10 would retweet

Bonus: Dog Fakes

Rhyming is hard

Bonus: Rhyming lyrics

Escape rooms

Bonus: More escape rooms

Jukebox of weirdness

Bonus: Baby Shark lyrics

From Cat to Kitchen: a cautionary tale

Bonus: Cat/GBBO monstrosities

A weirdly broken AI

Bonus: The wrong images

Trained a neural net on my cat and regret everything

Bonus: Cat/human monstrosities

Nonexistent Easter Eggs

Bonus: Eggs of Wonder

An AI's idea of a prank

Bonus: More strange april fools pranks

This is not cozy: AI attempts the Great British Bakeoff

Bonus: Baking Show Disasters

How to change a giraffe into a bird

Bonus: Texas v. One Bullfrog Named Ameoba

Court cases that sound like the weirdest fights

Bonus: South Dakota v. A 12-ft. Giant Duck

This neural net knows what smells good

Bonus: Have You Seen the Pink Frizzled Smoke of the Sea? More candles of the future

Bonus: More jello recipes (you will need a "Swedish blimp")

Smells like the future

Bonus: More rejected candles

This time I DIDN'T train a neural net to generate candy hearts

Bonus: The Definitely Rejected candy hearts

AI + Vintage American cooking: a combination that cannot be unseen

AI recipes are bad (and a proposal for making them worse)

Bonus: At last we know how to make Artichoke Gelatin Dogs

Depth of field fails

Bonus: Why are skeletons


Bonus: Robo-lingthusiasm

AI Weirdness in 2019

Bonus: Medieval professions