Sitemap - 2017 - AI Weirdness

Ten new applications for neural networks

Christmas Carols, generated by a neural network

When A.I. gets into birding

New terms and conditions may apply

A computer tries its best to learn psalms

The first line of a novel, by an improved neural network

Neural network names for your Cajun/Zydeco band

A neural network invents some pies

Disney songs, sung by a neural network with a very short memory

The neural network meets its match: Fish biologists

A neural network tries writing the first sentence of a novel

A neural network designs Halloween costumes

Slashdot headlines written by neural network

Computer algorithms, invented by a computer

Trendy beer names, invented by neural network

Insufficient data may not compute, but it still loves you.

Harry Potter spells, generated by neural network

A neural network learns to create better D&D spells

Don’t use a neural network to name your next pub

A neural network invents diseases you don’t want to get

New My Little Ponies, designed by neural network

Harry Potter and the word-level recurrent neural network

Try these neural network-generated recipes at your own risk.

Craft beer names, invented by neural network

Darth Net: Star Wars characters invented by neural network

Star Wars planet names generated by neural network

Terrible Broadway musicals imagined by neural network

Harry Potter and the Neural Network fan fiction

Neural networks + Kittens = !!!

More neural network guinea pig names

Ancient wisdom from the neural network

Neural networks can name guinea pigs

Sports teams designed by neural network

Just when you thought neural networks couldn’t get creepier

The neural network will name your next band

More 80s action figures from the neural network

80′s action figures, designed by neural network

Paint colors designed by neural network, Part 2

Fun with a neural net that transforms line drawings to cats

Neural Network Story Name Illustrations 1-4

New paint colors invented by neural network

In Which the neural network gets bored halfway through making cookies

Artificial intelligence claims it has written a cake recipe.

Metal band names invented by neural network

In Which the neural network gets bored halfway through making cookies

Tonight’s neural network recipe: Port Roasting Walmon Cap #8

Story titles, invented by neural network

Fortune cookies written by neural network

Bird Hots With Mold; Rhubarb

A neural network generates car names

Fun with a neural net that transforms line drawings to cats

Bad recipe ideas from the neural network

The neural network writes the episode list for next season’s Dr. Who

The neural network is more of a foodie than you are.

New D&D magic spells, designed by neural network

The neural network generated pickup lines that are actually kind of adorable

The neural network generated pickup lines that are actually kind of adorable

The neural network designs a cocktail of some sort

The neural network invents fruit names that may not catch on.

In Which the neural network gets bored halfway through making cookies

Sunday April 02, 2017

In Which a Neural Network Learns to Tell Knock-Knock Jokes

Delicious recipe titles generated by neural network

Irish Tune names, invented by neural network

Pokemon generated by neural network

Three bad recipes generated by neural network

Cthulhu in the Kitchen