Try these neural network-generated recipes at your own risk.
Stuck in a rut in the kitchen? Tired of preparing sandwiches the same old way?
Machine learning can help!
I trained a neural network on over 30,000 examples of cookbook recipes, and it learned to produce new recipes of its own. You can learn more about the training process, and watch it learn to generate new recipes here.
They aren’t good recipes, though. In fact, almost all of them are terrible. I made one of them once, and now I still cringe at the faintest whiff of horseradish. SuperDeluxe made another of them, but at least they are professionals and were wise enough not to eat any.
Here for your entertainment I give you several more recipes the neural network has generated, with the caveat that if you should try to prepare or, god forbid, actually consume one of these, I am absolutely not responsible for the consequences.
Small Sandwiches
dish, chili, lemon, salads, seafood
½ cup shortening
1 cup snow peas and cut into ¼ inch cubes
1 1 inch
15 oz peach halves,remaining posting
1 salad dressing
½ cup barley
2 large bones sliced chicken salmon:
1 cup cheddar cheese; grated
4 each onions and cut into 8 servings
2 cup chicken stock or mayonnaise
2 tablespoon brown sugar
½ cup cream cheese; softened
¼ cup grated cheddar cheese
8 oz mashed potato fillets
3 tablespoon coarsely chopped green onion
1 minced fresh sage leaves
1 drained bean sprouts—-LAKE CHOICE—-
1 pinch salt
3 bay leaves
2 garlic cloves
1 dash black pepper
6 large garlic cloves
¼ cup along with
½ teaspoon vegetable oil
¼ teaspoon salt, optional
¼ teaspoon white pepper
4 teaspoon sugar
3 tablespoon peanut butter
½ cup coconut—-FILLING—-
1 cup minced season tomatoes
2 cup hot water
¼ cup vegetable oil
2 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoon the seasoned salt
1 cup margarine, melted
1 lb jumbo shrimp
1 or freshly ground black pepper
1 up
1 thai shrimp; finely chopped
1 garlic clove, mincedMix all ingredients except cheese and process 1 hour. Pour over ribs.
Cover and bake for 30-35 minutes. Serve with warm milk and marinade distributed; prepare the bottoms.
Watch the end of the fillets to the heat and set in a bowl and heat at this low for 5 minutes, until softened. Top with a little the next 2 ingredients; spoon the one day, 1 ½ hours. Take an and inverting it and turn the center. Let cool in the pan on wire rack. To serve cooking time: It is been ribsotro. while the serving is alternatively rich will puree in the miquinally preparing gravy. They should seal.
Yield: 4 servings
Beothurtreed Tuna Pie
pastries, fruits, pork
1 hard cooked apple mayonnaise
1 onion
3 tablespoon butter
5 cup lumps; thinly sliced
½ cup chicken broth
1 carrot, spinach (vanilla estach w/pecans)
1 freshly ground black pepper - optionalSurround with 1 ½ dozen heavy water by high, and drain & cut into ¼ in.
remaining the skillet.Pour liquid into thin baking pan.
Combine lime juice, lime juice, finely grated cheese and water in
a small saucepan and reduce heat. Cover and simmer about 20
minutes at medium-high speed until thickened.Yield: 4 servings
Tart Cover Shrimp Butter Wol
½ cup catsup
1 teaspoon cornstarch
½ cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 can fried pale fruit to cover that drain
¼ lemon
1 fresh parsley for garnishWINE-POCKED COST WITH PUDDING. KEEP WARM. Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat, add green meat. Season with salt and pepper boiled coated mixture. Sprinkle remaining ground beef in greased 9-inch pie plate. Lay border fillet on layer of custard.
Topping: In small skillet, cook onions and celery until potatoes are done, about 3 minutes. Serve hot.
Yield: 1 servings
Good Ponesed Dressing
4 cup cold water or yeast meat
½ cup butter
¼ teaspoon cloves
½ cup vegetable oil
1 cup grated white rice
1 parsley sprigsCook the onions in oil, flour, dates and salt together through both plates.
Put the sauce to each prepared Broiler coated (2 10" side up) to lower the fat and add the cornstarch with a wooden toothpick hot so would be below, melt chicken. Garnish with coconut and shredded cheese.
Source: IObass Cindypissong (in Whett Quesssie. Etracklitts 6) Dallas Viewnard, Brick-Nut Markets, Fat. submitted by Fluffiting/sizevory, 1906. ISBN 0-952716-0-3015 NUBTET 10 , 1972mcTbofd-in hands, christmas charcoals Helb & Mochia Grunnignias: Stanter Becaused Off Matter, Dianonarddit Hht
5.1.85 calories CaluAmis
Source: Chocolate Pie Jan 584
Good Wine Drained Chili
meats, chicken, low cal
4 quart milk
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2/3 cup chocolate chips
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 wine, mashed
12 oz kettle (garnished" powder, cinnamon
3 tablespoon paprikaHeat broiler in warm place for 15 minutes.
From: Martha Stewart Living/Marketing Orden GRande N… Sc. (115) on serving and produce id the Backdacake: Typed for you by Schan Scandet Refrigerate by Mary Herther, Amarant, Miry’s to the Markning Cinnamon Marthan Sear Foods county Typis by Matiersr : Turtlean Wo Genie Alse
From: Quick Times with frosting.
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Yield: 6 servings
Want more? You can find all my other neural network recipe experiments here.
Want even more? Check out Tom Brewe’s list, which inspired my own neural network recipe experiments. May I direct you in particular to the shredded bourbon?
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